
imageI am a Doctor working currently in Hereford, UK. Prior to becoming a Doctor I worked in the adventure/travel industry leading volunteer groups and expeditions in South America, West Africa and Fiji. It was through this and the experiences I have had with the people and cultures of these places that I saw medicine to be a universal skill and was inspired to try and become a doctor. Thankfully Bristol University let me in to Medical School in 2008 and I managed to survive the course and qualify in 2014.

Since 2014 I have taken an interest in exploring life through writing poetry, shared with family and friends. This began by self published a few books to give away mainly as presents. Writing is a wonderful way of exploring the world, my own feelings and attempting to dig deeper into what I experience.

I love writing, not only poetry but prose and even song writing. I’m always happy for a collaboration so if you have any ideas for a future project then please get in touch!